HR - Primary Job Indicator FAQs

Q1: What is a primary job indicator?

Whenever changes are made through the Job Data page (like assigning additional jobs, terminating existing jobs, and so on) the system verifies that only one job is designated as the primary job.

Q2: How do I know if there are employees within my district that have primary job indicator discrepancies?

Run these queries before precalcs:

    • M_HR_NO_PRIMARY_ONEJOB – To identify employees who do not have a primary job within your district

    • M_HR_MORE_PRIMARY_JOB_FLAG – To identify employees who have more than one primary job within your district

Run this query after precalcs:


Q3: I have my list of employees which have primary job indicator discrepancies. How do I know which position should be primary?

Primary Jobs (FTE, Benefits eligible or Retirees)

    • One per Employee per District

    • Inactive records need to remain primary unless or until another active record is added.

Secondary Job

    • Employees with multiple jobs in a district

Q4. I know which position should be primary. What date should I use to change the job indicator?

The dates must align exactly. IMPORTANT: If the job indicators are not aligned properly, the employee will not receive a paycheck.

Q5: Is there a specific example for how to update employees who are on the M_HR_NO_PRIMARY_ONEJOB query?

Example: Action of Hire - No Primary job within a district

    • Step 1: Insert new row

    • Step 2: Use the same effective date as current row, enter next Effective Sequence

    • Step 3: Enter Action = Data Change, Reason = Job Indicator Update

    • Step 4: Select Primary job

    • Step 5: Save

Q6: Is there a specific example for how to update employees who are on the M_HR_MORE_PRIMARY_JOB_FLAG query?

Examples: Action of Position Change - Multiple FTE positions within one district (where one has benefits)

In some situations, employees have multiple FTE positions. To determine which Empl Record should be Primary, review the FTE% on each Empl Record. The greatest FTE% should be the Primary Job and all others should be Secondary Jobs. If the employee has two Empl Records at 50% FTE, the one that the employee was hired into first (with the oldest effective date) should be Primary and the rest of the Empl Records should be Secondary.

After you have reviewed the Empl Records and decided which should be primary, here are the steps to follow to update a Job Indicator:

    • Step 1: Insert new row on the Empl Record to be made secondary

    • Step 2: Use the same effective date as the primary row

    • Step 3: Enter Action = Data Change, Reason = Job Indicator Update

    • Step 4: Select Primary Job

    • Step 5: Save

Empl Rcd # 0 has FTE of 64.83% - has benefits attached

Empl Rcd #5 has FTE of 21.63% - no benefits attached

Q7: I am rehiring a retiree within my district. Is the new position primary? Or is the retiree position primary?

The retiree position will be primary unless or until the retiree is no longer receiving any retiree benefits.

Example: Action - Rehire of retiree (with retiree benefits) within a district

In some situations, employees retire and then get rehired into a FTE or hourly position. In either situation, the employee’s retiree position must remain primary unless or until the retiree is no longer receiving benefits.

After reviewing the Empl Records, if the employee has a job other than their Retiree Position as Primary, follow these steps to update the Job Indicator to Secondary.

    • Step 1: Insert new row on the emp rcd to be made secondary

    • Step 2: Use the same effective date as the primary row

    • Step 3: Enter Action = Data Change, Reason = Job Indicator Update

    • Step 4: Select Primary Job

    • Step 5: Save

Q8: I hired an employee as a sub and with an FTE position. The FTE position does not begin until the middle of the month. What do I do with the primary flags?

The system requires one primary position regardless of active/inactive status. In this situation you would need to make the substitute position primary until the employee begins their FTE position. At that time, the FTE position would be made primary and the sub position secondary. This can all be done using future dated rows.

After you have reviewed the Empl Records, here are the steps to follow to update a Job Indicator:

    • Step 1: Insert new row on the record to be primary

    • Step 2: Use the same effective date and add a sequence #

    • Step 3: Enter Action/Reason of Data Change/Job Indicator Update

    • Step 4: Select Primary Job

    • Step 5: Save

In this situation you would repeat the above steps inserting a second row on the sub position, making it secondary on the same date the employee begins their FTE position.

Q9: I am terminating an employee and they will have no active positions within our district. Should I change their primary job indicator to secondary? What if I rehire them later?

The system requires one primary position regardless of active/inactive status. If the employee is terminating with no other active jobs, leave the flags exactly how they are. If the employee is rehired, you must align the inactive record with the now active record.